One example of its effected management is that it has earned lots more gain then others in economic recession and reported more sales. Details available at Accessed on 01 10 2010 galleries/primark opens gallery. shtml?6 rZh bKV yShLKboOQVhy2NS1QAA=andh=310andw=472andsz=72andhl=enandstart=1andum=1andtbnid=g6b0vt8VvEAVTM:andtbnh=85andtbnw=129andprev=/photos%3Fq%3Dprimark%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4HPEB en GB%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1Implementation and manage are success factors for any company, and if monitored and control carefully can carry a large benefit to agency and also can compete with others company in a perfect way. Primark has positive manage and implementation options which are assisting in case study answer luck of entire business across alternative international locations. Primark is already making a lot of profit and making further and further sales. On case study solution foundation of above strategic analysis and examine and contrast of both businesses Woolworths and Primark it is clean and extremely simple that Primark is evolving as industry chief and making place in case look at solution center of americans.