com have introduced that they will cease to allow case look at answer submission of latest articles and feature information former publishers who have submitted articles to goarticles and could want to have a backup to logging and back up their articles. Reason Goarticle is Shutting DownGoarticle noted no explanation why in particular why they decide to shutdown their website, even though, it’s miles a typical abilities that goarticle was having challenge in years previous case look at answer shutdown announced in January 2015. Before now, Goarticles is considered one of most advantageous article directories, rank just in the back of ezinearticles. com and feature allowed thousands of publishers and authors to post their work to their listing for case look at answer good thing about their tens of millions of readers. Signing in to Goarticles You can sign in to goarticles online page and back up case examine solution articles you have formerly submitted if you want to make use of them in an alternative article directory or in your own online page. But you can not be allowed to submit new articles to goarticles.